Fees & Guarantee
Our fees are based on the type of search performed and are always paid by the employer, never the candidate. Our practice is usually undertaken on an exclusive contingency basis. When we make the placement, we send the invoice once the candidate has reported for duty. Exceptions would be consulting engagements or retained search projects.
Our search agreement is a single page. We work for people and organizations we like and trust. Culture counts.
Most fees are based on a specified percentage of the placed candidate’s first year base salary. ICC assists as a non-negotiating mediator during the final offer process as needed.
We provide a standard guarantee if the employee we place is terminated for cause within 90 days of hire.
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Search Options
Contingent Search: Client pays 100% of the fee upon successful completion of the search and placement of our referred candidate.
Exclusive Search: Client works with and through ICC exclusively for a mutually agreed upon period of time. Client pays 100% of the fee upon successful completion of the search. This arrangement ensures a fresh and focused search, conducted across an open field.
Retained Search: Client pays 1/3 of the anticipated at the commencement of the search, 1/3 at one month, and the balance upon successful completion. This method works best for senior executive searches requiring focus, discretion, and a consuming search effort.